Von Wilhendorf

On this page are listed Wilhendorf’s previous excellent litters.  Proving our confidence in them, several puppies from these have done very well at shows, work and even being the perfect family pet.
4 TIMES VA1 Teejay von Wilhendorf, SchH3, KKL1a  & multiple VA- Rhapsody von Wilhendorf.
This litter is already accounted for. Please check back soon for more updates on the progress.
4 TIMES VA1 Teejay von Wilhendorf, SchH3, KKL1a  &  Jenniffer vom Wuestenberger Land, SchH1, KKl1
This litter is a Nero-Pakros combination replicating the bloodline of World Young Dog Sieger Schicco v Freiheit Westerholt exactly!   Teejay needs no further introduction.  Jennifer is a litter sister to VA2 Jazmin.    We present this Wilhendorf litter in collaberation with our respected colleaugues, Mike and Jeannette Kempkes of Wuestenberger Land in California.  

6X VA, 6X Sieger, 4X Working Sieger Teejay and 3X VA Della von Wilhendorf, SchH3, KKL1a.     Della has been the highest-rated American-bred female at THREE Sieger Shows, including two ratings as high as VA3.    We are extremely proud of Della being THIRD GENERATION Wilhendorf to be VA.

SG15 in Germany Xill aus dem Haus Zygadto, SchH1, KKL1a bred to our beautiful Romy aus dem Haus Zygadto.

Previous Litters - 3

6X Sieger, 4X VA1 Teejay von Wilhendorf, SchH3, KKL1a bred to V-Irmi v Emkendorfer Park, SchH1, KKL1-a.

Irmi’s progeny from a previous litter from VA Shicco Freiheit Westerholt. (SOLD!)

V1 Tyson vom Koettersbusch, SchH3, KKL1a and V1 Vega v Hopfenhalle, SchH1, KKL1a.    Vega is a full sister to VA Viva v Hopfenhalle.   Tyson is one of the most sought-after studs in the World.    His progeny placed extremely well in the past World Sieger Show.  (SOLD!)

V1 Zerxis v. Osterberger Land, SchH3, KKL1a bred to V-Wita v. Emkendorfer Park,  SchH1, KKL1-a.    Zerxis is a fabulous son of Merlin v Osterbergerland (a half brother of Teejays!).   Zerxis made SG5 at the German Sieger Show!     Wita is a top producing daughter of Lauser v Emkendorfer Park.   

Here are several of her outstanding progeny,  also stemming from the Nero line and M-litter Osterberger Land.   (SOLD!)

SG3 Wegas v. Fichtenschlag, SchH3, KKL1a bred to our V1 Regional Siegerin (Vice Youth Siegerin-USA Sieger Show) Sienna von Wilhendorf,  SchH2, KKL1-a  (VA Teejay X Xcel).   Wegas made his stellar SG 3 position because of his outrageous movement and type.   He is a son of 2X Sieger VA1 Vegas du Haut Mansard and VA Tiana vom Fichtenschlag, SchH3, KKl1a. (SOLD!)

V1 Frenzi v Grafenstein, SchH2, KKL1a and VA1 Bill v Fuerstenau, SchH3, KKL1a. Frenzi is a daughter of legendary 6 Time Sieger, 6X VA (4X VA1) Teejay von Wilhendorf. Frenzi has had a storied career.   She was North American Vice Puppy Siegerin,  USA Vice Youth Siegerin, SG1 (the judge said in his critique, "this is a female for the top 10 in the World" , V1 under SV Koermeister Wilhelm Nordsieck, "this is the best dog in the show". Bill is the reigning North American Sieger as the successor to the retired Teejay. Bill is also V20 in Germany. He’s a son of vice sieger VA2 Quenn vom Loher Weg. (SOLD!)